IEMEI - Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Institution

About Us


Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Institution (IEMEI)

Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Institution (IEMEI) is professional and autonomous institutions in India established in 2011 to promote working candidates to provide electrical and mechanical engineering to obtain advance engineering qualification and enhance their technical knowledge and skill by latest machineries for improving engineering career.

IEMEI offer different membership programs for electrical and mechanical disciplines with latest industrial machines and advance technology. IEMEI conduct Technician and Associates Membership Examination in electrical & mechanical engineering disciplines twice a year to create Institution of merit for promoting skill based programs in the field of electrical engineering as well as mechanical engineering. IEMEI is thus serving many peoples to provide quality engineering membership courses for the candidates to enable them to achieve success in their professional’s careers.

IEMEI also involved in Certification Courses of Industrial Automation in various stream like CNC, PLC, VMC, QC, Hydraulic, CNC Machine Maintenance etc.

1.To emerges as an institution of quality for providing conveniences of Technical Education to students or professionals and thus facilitating for them a key role in Nation’s program of Industrial Development.

2.To give to the growth of engineering profession with oral and professional standards.

1.Committed to the principle of maintaining and promoting the standing of electrical & mechanical engineering.

2.Be an helpful and effective foundation of technical education and manpower for the nation.

3.Inculcate high moral and right values in students or professionals and to improve their on the whole personality.